Probo Reseller API
File Uploader
The file uploader can be used to supply the files for your customer's order.
There are two methods for using the uploader:
- generating uploader sessions automatically after order has been posted
- generating uploader sessions manually and adding id's to order POST
Automatic generated uploader
This method generates an uploader sessions automatically after order has been posted.
1 - When posting an order, add parameter "uploader": true to the product(s) for which you want to use an uploader. The files section may be omitted in the order.
2 - The URL to the uploader session(s) will be returned in order response
3 - When all the uploader sessions are confirmed the order will be processed automatically and you will receive an "accepted" callback on the callback url specified for the order.
Manually generated uploader
This method manually creates an uploader session when configuring a product and the uploader id's are added when posting the order.
1 - Use the /price OR /products/configure endpoint for the product(s) that you want to create an uploader session
2 - Call the /products/uploader/create endpoint including the calculation\_id that was returned in step 1:
"calculation_id": 68937,
"callback_url": "",
"language": "nl"
Optionally the default language for the Reseller's account can be overruled by setting a language for the uploader. Use the ISO 639-1 standard for language code.
3 - Monitor the uploader session status on the callback on the url specified in step 2. The following statuses can be returned: "confirmed" and "processed"
"status": "confirmed",
"products": [
"tiling_format": "none",
"tiles_horizontal": 0,
"tiles_vertical": 0,
"tiles": [],
"id": 5302843,
"front_side": {
"file": {
"status": "not_converted",
"preview_url": "2395541/4a2a10ac39b0deb0/4a2a10ac39b00_preview.jpg",
"preview_medium_url": "2395541/4a2a10ac39b0deb0/4a2a19b0deb0_medium.jpg",
"original_file_url": "2395541/4a2a10ac39b0deb0/4a2a10b0deb0.jpg",
"production_file_url": "2395541/4a2a10ac39b0deb0/4a2a139b0deb0.pdf",
"file_name": "jpeg.jpg",
"original_file_hash": "4a2a1039b0deb0",
"size_in_bytes": 111553,
"dpi": 72,
"page": 1,
"is_booklet": false
"warnings": [
"dpi": 72,
"custom_options": {
"format": "original",
"mirror": false,
"rotation": 0
"amount": 1
"Standard_tiling": "optimal",
"tiling_format": "none",
"id": 2395541,
"external_id": 67,
"variable_data": false
4 - When all uploader sessions have been confirmed and/or processed the order can be posted by specifying the uploader id (from response in step 2) and uploader external id (from step 3) for the uploader session of the product.
"products": [
"code": "banner-510",
"options": [
"code": "width",
"value": 100
"code": "height",
"value": 100
"code": "amount",
"value": 1
"code": "finishing-all-sides"
"code": "cut"
"uploaders": [
"id": 123456,
"external_id": 654321